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Bunny Supply Checklist

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This is a quick list of things to get before you pick up your bunny! I also included links and tips of where to find these items. Please read through our bunny care guide for more details and lots of useful information on how to take care of your bun. Questions are welcomed and encouraged when you have any, so please feel free to ask! :)

Quality Timothy Hay

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Hay is 80% of a bunny's diet and needs to be available for them to eat all the time. I recommend getting Timothy Hay since it is high in fiber and is great for bunnies digestive health. Here are some great sources of quality hay!

Small Pet Select - Online Order & Shipping
Hymer Feed Company - Pickup in Lexington, KY
Oxbow - Online Order & Shipping

Local sources are also great, although it may take a little more research to find the perfect one. The main things to look for when buying quality hay are long thick strands, nice green color, fresh smell, & minimal dust.

Quality Hay-Based Pellets

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When looking for quality pellets it is very important make sure that something hay-based (alfalfa hay or meal for young bunnies or timothy hay or meal for adult bunnies) is the #1 ingredient. There are a lot of low quality rabbit pellets on the market that are actually unhealthy to even feed your bunnies. Please DO NOT purchase any Fiesta mixes (pellets with colorful pieces mixed in) as they contain ingredients that are unhealthy for your bun. Also, quality pellets should be GREEN in color not brown, and smell fresh. Here are some great places to get pellets:

Small Pet Select - Only offers Timothy based right now (for adults), Online Order & Shipping
Oxbow - Available in both Alfalfa and Timothy based, Online Order & Shipping, Also available in several stores such as Walmart
Sherwood Pet Health - Available in both Alfalfa & Timothy based, Online Order & Shipping

Large Enclosure

Even if you plan on free-roaming (the best option if possible) your bunny it can make moving to their new home less stressful if they have a smaller space to get used to first, and for lots of bunnies this will act as THEIR safe space even after they are free roaming. I highly recommend getting either an XL Dog Crate or an Exercise/Play Pen or X-Pen for your bunny since they provide more space for your bunny to play, binky, zoom, and relax and are also usually less expensive than smaller cages marketed for bunnies. Please don't get a small wire bottom cage for your bunny, as these can hurt their feet and cause sore hocks. Amazon, Walmart, & Tractor Supply as well as other stores have a great selection of enclosures. You can also use wire shelf panels and zip tie them together to make a large customizable pen for your bunny. Here are some links to give you ideas:

XL Dog Crate
Shelf Panels

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Photo Credit: @kaiser.buns on Instagram

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Photo Credit: @bunsunderthestairs on Instagram

Food & Water Dishes

Heavy Ceramic bowls/crocks work great for pellets and water since they are harder for bunnies to flip over. Gravity waterers are also awesome since they hold a lot of water. I highly recommend getting both a bowl and a large bottle for your bunny to drink from, since both have their pros and cons and together they balance out. You can also get a hay bag or feeder of some sort if you want to. There is lots of different options on Esty, Chewy, Amazon and also in other stores such as Walmart. Here are some links!

Stoneware Crock
Gravity Waterer
Personalized Ceramic Bowls On Etsy
Hay Feeders On Etsy

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Litter Box & Litter

For a litter box, large cat litter boxes work the best. We have had great luck with Petmate Jumbo litter boxes, but any large cat litter box will work as well! For litter, you can use wood or paper pellets, DON'T use clay kitty litter as it isn't safe for bunnies. We buy a 40lb bag of litter from Tractor Supply. Links:

Petmate Jumbo Litter Box on Chewy
Pine Pellets on Tractor Supply

Fun Stuff! - Enrichment



For a litter box, large cat litter boxes work the best. We have had great luck with Petmate Jumbo litter boxes, but any large cat litter box will work as well! For litter, you can use wood or paper pellets, DON'T use clay kitty litter as it isn't safe for bunnies. We buy a 40lb bag of litter from Tractor Supply. Links:

Petmate Jumbo Litter Box on Chewy
Pine Pellets on Tractor Supply

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Bunnies love treats! They should only have about 1 to 2 tablespoons of treats per day at the most. Young rabbits (under 5 to 6 months) have more sensitive digestive tracts so most treats aren't safe to feed them. Oftentimes, small pieces of fruit or vegetables make the best treats! Commercial treats often contain unhealthy ingredients such as soy, corn, and yogurt. You can also get lots of awesome handmade treats off of Etsy.

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Enclosures & Hides

Bunnies love to have places to hide in and explore. Tunnels are awesome! You can find lots of good options on Chewy & Etsy. Here are some other links as well: 

Cosycastles Photo Credit: @bunsunderthestairs on Instagram Tent Photo Credit: @sincerelycinnabun on Instagram

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